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Get to Know the Colombian Dentist with the Most International Accreditations

The Perfect Smile Dental Spa Clinic, located in the exclusive area of Bocagrande in Cartagena, is the dental center in Colombia with the most international accreditations. The same goes for its director, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, who asserts that these accreditations demonstrate their commitment to quality.

She indicates that this excellence is what has allowed them to reach and maintain the top spot among dental clinics in Colombia and Latin America. This is a fact recognized by patients who come to the capital of the Bolivar department from all over the world and by prestigious global institutions.

The Importance of Accreditations for Perfect Smile Dental

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that international accreditations are relevant for a clinic and for a professional of her caliber. She states that most of her patients come from countries like the United States, where medical advancements have been a global reference for decades. For these patients, accreditations imply a guarantee that they are placing their health in the best hands.

On her part, for Tarsys Loayza Roys, these accreditations mean committing to the highest quality standards and the use of the best technology. This doctor, a leader in dentistry in Colombia, points out that these are prestigious organizations with an impeccable reputation worldwide. She cites, for example, the Certificate of Membership issued by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

It’s an accreditation awarded to Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys bearing the Excellence Art & Science Cosmetic Dentistry seal. This American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry® (AACD) is an independent entity that promotes art and excellence in dental treatments. Its members promote and practice responsible patient care and ethical conduct of professionals.

Accreditations Continue to Accumulate

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys announced that, starting this year, her name is listed as an International Member of the American Dental Association (ADA). This is a U.S. organization with a 160-year history promoting advances in health and supporting the world’s best dentists. It demands that its members practice values such as excellence, integrity, and dedication.

This internationally acclaimed professional also obtained the certificate from the International Academy of Aesthetics in 2023. It’s a global organization dedicated to learning and knowledge exchange regarding the latest advancements in Aesthetic Medicine, Dental Aesthetics, and Aesthetic Surgery. A similar effort is being made by the European Medical Association (EMA), of which Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys is an active member. She adds that it’s a scientific organization that has been operating since 1990.

She also mentioned her membership in the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society (AMS). It’s an international community for Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-Aging that provides its members with knowledge and continuous updates. It offers an online platform where discussion forums, webinars, and on-demand presentations are conducted. All the shared information is duly accredited by the relevant authorities.

The primary head of the Perfect Smile Dental Spa Clinic states that there have been significant national accreditations as well. One of them is from the Colombian Association of Prosthodontics, whose mission is to meet the academic needs of its members. Dr. Loayza Roys clarifies that these are not the only accreditations and certifications that the dental center or she herself holds.

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